
This blog is a joint collaboration between Nina Medić and Smiljana Knežev - both with the Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad in Serbia. The main purpose of this blog is to showcase their progress during the Google Summer of Code - GSOC2019 summer program, but will be actively maintained even after the program has ended.

Nina is a master student of Computer Science in Novi Sad, Serbia and was introduced to Pharo programming language as part of her studies. The simplicity of the language and user friendly environment invited her to explore it more. Her GSOC2019 project is about creating a complet, reusable library for graphs including the layouting algorithms, in Pharo. The idea is to leave it open for multiple visualization engines to use.

Smiljana is currently finishing her studies in Informatics - Information Technologies, and is very interested in Objected-Oriented design and functional and distributed programming. She feels very passionate about Pharo and theoretical computer science. Her GSOC2019 project task is to work on the development of the Containers library and to develop, collect, clean, test and document alternate collections and data-structures. It is important that each package is modular so that users can only load the collection they need without 100 of related collections, and thus significantly reduce the image size (modular design is of vital importance). Main project goals: Document, refactor and test existing collections and migrate them to the Containers library (if needed). Develop new collections (with appropriate tests and documentations) and include them in the library.